Advancing water education to understand global challenges and inspire local solutions.

We envision a world in which action-oriented education enables everyone to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future.

The future of water is in their hands.


We believe:

  • water connects us all.
  • water is for all water users.
  • water must be managed sustainably.
  • water depends on personal responsibiliyt and action.
Our team

Highly qualified teachers

Project WET staff have designed the curriculum and online trainings. Staff are ready to help you with any questions you have about the course. Your local official Project WET trainer can help you to adapt the lesson for your area. They are ready to offer local resources and data to make the lessons place-based for your students. 
The lessons put a visual on things that are sometimes hard to explain. The lessons are broken down well so that kids and adults can understand the material.
Project WET Educator

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